Forecasting Lawsuits for Medtronic Medical Devices

Serious complaints are stemming from Medtronic Infuse bone graft patients. Although Medtronic sales spiked at $800 million as recently as 2011, it appears a litany of Medtronic lawsuits are poised to launch.

Complications tied to Medtronic products are deadly. They’ve ranged from difficulty swallowing to even death. A variety of patients are enduring so much pain it literally requires them to be on other precarious forms of medication such as Oxycontin.

One Californian woman in 2008 suffered respiratory arrest and died after receiving a Medtronic device following surgery. The family was quick to file suit against the medical device manufacturer, believing her death was caused by the faulty graft.

A completely separate study also indicated Medtronic devices could cause sterility among men. It’s an equally serious claim, that despite not carrying quite the same consequences of wrongful death, is placing immense scrutiny toward one of the largest medical supply companies currently operating.

Medtronic may be placed in a position where they distribute high sums over several lawsuits. It remains to be seen whether or not the amount of cases being filed will warrant a joint lawsuit that carries a significant penalty.

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