Zimmer NexGen Knee Implant

A Personal Injury Law Firm with a Precise Focus: Defective Medical Devices and Drugs

An Attorney for Lawsuits Involving Devices Such as Zimmer NexGen Knee Implants

If you suffer from osteoarthritis or have suffered a traumatic injury to your knee, you may have been the recipient of a knee implant by the Zimmer medical device company. They are a multi-billion dollar corporation headquartered in the United States, with a worldwide presence. In their more than 80 years of existence, they have made products that have undeniably improved millions of people’s lives. However, if you have had a knee implant from them and are suffering complications as a result, you should first seek immediate medical attention, and then call us: The Law Offices of Ronald B. Laba.

When you call 800-490-2222 you will have the opportunity to discuss your case with an attorney who has more than 27 years of experience handling complex defective medical device lawsuits and mass tort litigation. Mr. Laba has challenged the largest drug companies, the largest insurance companies, and the largest medical device manufacturers in the nation and the world, and has won millions of dollars in damages on behalf of his clients.

What is the Problem with Zimmer NexGen Knee Implants?

Though definitive proof is still being accumulated, a very large number of lawsuits are pending throughout the nation against Zimmer. The complaints typically focus on the following symptoms:

  • Loosening of the implant
  • Infection at the site of implant
  • Debilitating and persistent pain
  • Increased risk of fracture

You may have already had your knee implant replaced again, or may soon need to because of these side effects. Even if your insurance company or Zimmer themselves cover the cost, you must still go through surgery and recovery all over again. This is a burden that no one should have to face. If you are in your retirement years, or if you depend upon healthy knees for your livelihood, the difficulties may be even further magnified.

If you suspect that your knee implant, or other medical device, is faulty, contact us online or call us at 800-490-2222. We will promptly respond to your inquiry. We will speak to you immediately or return your call within two hours, in order to discuss your case. After telling us of your circumstances, we will be honest with you about whether or not you have a case. If we take your case, you will owe us nothing unless we help you win. Call us right away for a free and no obligation consultation.

Before agreeing to join a class action, before accepting any compensation from a medical device company, and before you suffer any longer, contact us.